COMEDY: Eric Holder Says He’ll Run For President If He Thinks He Can Unify The Country (VIDEO)

Eric Holder is clearly delusional. During a recent interview with the New York Times he was asked if he is going to run for president in 2020. He responded, saying that he will run if he believes he can unify the country. Apparently, he isn’t aware that he’s one of the most divisive political figures in America.
The Washington Free Beacon reports:
Holder: If I Run for President, It’ll Be From Concluding I Could Unify the Country
Former Obama administration attorney general Eric Holder said Wednesday that if he ran for president, he would do so from concluding he could unify the country.
That statement came during an exclusive interview with New York Times reporter Alex Burns. Burns noted that Holder has become much more ambiguous about whether he could run for president in 2020 and asked about his general thoughts.

“If you were gonna do it, why would you do it. If you didn’t do it, why would you not do it?” Burns asked.
“If I were gonna do it, I’d do it because I think I would have concluded that maybe I could unify the country,” Holder said.
He then clarified, “help unify the country, because it’s bigger than any one person.”

Watch the video below:

He’s lucky to not be in jail, never mind running for president.


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