The Senate Just Released the ‘Secret Hush Fund’ Info We’ve All Been Waiting For… This Is SICK!

The Senate Rules and Administration Committee released a shocking report today that has many observers on Capitol Hill fuming! The report documents that since 1998, the United States Senate has paid out of over $1.5 million dollars on sexual harassment lawsuits.

Check out the “secret hush fund,” per Daily Caller:
The data, provided by the Office of Compliance, a little known administrative body that has quietly settled dozens of complaints against congressional offices, provides little by way of details, beyond an itemized list of violations and the corresponding settlement.
The report distinguishes between claims made against member-led offices and “other Senate employing offices.” Individual Senate offices have paid out nearly $600,000 in discrimination and harassment settlements, while other Senate employers paid out over $850,000. Listed violations include sex, age, and race discrimination, as well as violations of the Fair Labor Standards Act and the Family and Medical Leave Act.
The largest settlements involved instances of race discrimination.
 GOP Senator Richard Shelby of Alabama, the chair of the Rules Committee, said further details will not be made public to respect the confidentiality of the victims.

“While the Rules Committee has been eager to provide this information in a transparent manner, it has been our priority to protect the victims involved in these settlements from further harm,” the senator said in a statement. “I am pleased that we have received assurances from Senate Legal Counsel that the release of this data does not violate confidentiality and as such, are able to make it public.”

Unfortunately, while not disclosing further details protects the victims, it also protects the perpetrators. Until the American public knows who is committing these crimes, those sick individuals are left in power and will most likely abuse their authority again.

What is most infuriating is that, we, the taxpayers, are footing the bill for this blatant and reprehensible cover-up. Essentially, we have been made unwitting accomplices to these politicians’ crimes.

When President Trump ran in 2016, his platform was simple: overhaul immigration, put American citizens first, and drain the swamp in Washington. Luckily for us, the President has been successful on all three fronts… but, we’ve still got a ways to go!

What do you think of the sleaze buckets in Congress?
Are you sick and tired of footing the bill for these perverts?


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