
Showing posts from February, 2018

Actress Demi Moore: “I Do Not Want Trump Supporters For Fans, First Of All I Hate Trump This Awful Country With Disgusting People And Everything About It, I’ll Boycott Everything About Trump.” Do You Support Her?

Actress Demi Moore: “I Do Not Want Trump Supporters For Fans, First Of All I Hate Trump This Awful Country With Disgusting People And Everything About It, I’ll Boycott Everything About Trump.” Do You Support Her? While once upon a time stars were advised not to ruffle feathers by expressing political views (or other topics deemed controversial) for fear of hurting their brand, that time has passed.  Things have escalated to: Don’t like me or what I’m saying?  Don’t be my fan. Don’t watch my show. Don’t go see my movie . May we point you in the direction of ELLEN POMPEO‘s feed. The  Grey’s Anatomy  star didn’t pull any punches when she tweeted to her 1.3 million fans: “News flash… I don’t want Trump supporters for fans. Einstein.” VIDEO:

Benghazi Hero Breaks Silence And Reveals Sick Truth About Hillary — She Did Not Want This Out!

Benghazi survivor and former U.S. Army Ranger Kris “Tanto” Paronto has stepped forward and revealed what really happened in Benghazi… The army hero didn’t pull any punches when it comes to Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, or former National Security Advisor Susan Rice. Rice has come under fire recently for the role she played in “unmasking” the names of certain Trump officials prior to the President taking office. “My weapon now is my voice, not a gun anymore,” Mr. Paronto told The Washington Times. Check it out, per  Fox Business : “Pathological or not, [Rice] continues to lie. There needs to be some repercussions. The people in D.C., and these last three years with me dealing with this Benghazi issue, I’ve seen that a lot of them think they are untouchable,” Tanto said during an interview on the Fox Business Network. “Trump has really been given the opportunity to show, or set an example and show that these people are not untouchable.” Rice has denied any foul play

BREAKING: Shep Smith To Be Canned Because He Can’t Control His Hate For Donald Trump

Last week, Fox News anchor Shepard Smith attacked President Donald Trump for his assertion that the news media frequently underreports on radical Islamic terror attacks. To support his point, Smith listed several terror attacks that were on the White House’s controversial list, saying Fox News covered them extensively. “The president’s assertion is false,” Smith argued. “The White House knows that it was false or could have known that it was false with a quick Google check, but either did not do so or decided not to tell the truth.” Smith also brought on Wall Street Journal associate editor John Bussey for an interview to help attack Trump. “What they’re saying is not true…Again…Why bother?” he asked. This is not the first time Trump has outraged Fox News viewers with his disrespect of the president. In July, he criticized former Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal for saying “all lives matter.” After a presidential debate with Hillary Clinton, Smith suggested Trump was a “fascist.”

Fed-Up General ‘Mad Dog’ Mattis Drops The Hammer On Barack Obama

Jim Mattis is a military legend. With the nickname “Mad Dog”, Mattis served his country in the Marine Corps and earned the rank of a general. When Donald Trump appointed him as his Secretary of Defense, it was a move that earned bipartisan praise. And for his first holiday season in office, he spent it with his troops in Guantanamo Bay. Mattis went to Cuba, the first defense secretary to visit the base since Donald Rumsfeld did in 2002. He said that he wanted to offer the troops stationed there some holiday cheer and to let them know that the work they’re doing there is being appreciated. He also defended the detention center at Guantanamo Bay, which has been controversial, and which Barack Obama unsuccessfully tried to close. “I am confident that we’re doing the right thing here,” he said. He then mentioned a conversation that he had with a woman earlier, who said that the base was a “blot on our nation”. But when he invited her to visit the base with him, she said no.

Chaffetz Just Dropped a Bombshell About the Deep State in Washington — It’s “Very Real…”

Former Utah Representative Jason Chaffetz confirmed what many Americans have feared for some time now, telling the hosts of TV’s  Fox & Friends  that the deep state is “very real,” and that he has first-hand experience of its inner workings. “I was a little skeptical … but I’m telling you, having lived through it, it is very real” the former member of the House of Representatives said when asked about whether or not he believed that there was a deep state conspiracy working against President Donald Trump. He went on to say that he believes that the conspirators, many of whom are currently under investigation by Rep. Devin Nunes, are likely to obstruct further investigations into their actions while deceiving the American public and pretending to cooperate. “I guarantee you, the Department of Justice will tout how many documents they are turning over,” Chaffetz said. “The question that [House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman]  Trey Gowdy  always asked, whic

Ben And Jerry’s Tries To Prove Trump Wrong By Hiring Illegals, Watch What Happens Next

 In an attempt to rebel against President Donald Trump’s policies, Ben & Jerry’s has been hiring illegal immigrants to work at their dairy farms in Vermont. This past weekend, the popular ice cream company learned just how big of a mistake that truly was. According to Mad World News, illegal immigrant workers teamed up with liberal activists to march on the Ben & Jerry’s Vermont headquarters to demand better pay and living conditions. The protest was labeled a “March For Milk and Dignity.” The illegal immigrants reportedly demanded that the ice cream company give them a legally binding agreement they described as a “Farm-worker authored Code of Conduct” based on their definition of “the human right to work with dignity and fair housing.” They refused to go into further detail about what this actually meant, but did ask for education about their rights under the program, a third party to monitor and enforce the agreement, and unspecified ‘economic relief.’ “We can’t wait

Marie Harf claims ISIS was defeated mainly because of Obama's Strategy (VIDEO)

Fox had former Obama State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf, on to their program “the Five” on Wednesday to talk about Isis’ dwindling numbers, and how the “strategy” that led ISIS’s defeat was “laid out during the Obama administration by military commanders.” She added, “President Trump has loosened the rules of engagement. He has allowed the military to use more bombs for example and so I think that has helped. But for me, the bigger question is what is the strategy going forward? There are tens of thousands of ISIS fighters who once they lose this territory in Syria and Iraq are going to go back to Europe they are going to go online they are going to radicalize people like we have seen try to commit terrorist attacks here in the U.S. So in terms of the fight against ISIS  this is a good step, but the fight is going to continue in a different and almost more dangerous way.” One thing we certainly agree on, is the fact that Trump lowered the rules of engagements, and took the

Trump Just Abruptly Fired All of Obama’s WH Council Appointees… How He Did It Is Hilarious!

President Donald Trump doesn’t need to explain himself or his reasoning to anyone, especially liberal propaganda rags or say-anything-for-a-dollar Democrats in Congress. The President of the United States fired Obama’s remaining members of the Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS Wednesday. President Trump let the Obama appointees know they needed to clear out their desks pronto by way of a letter delivered by FedEx! That’s what they get. The mass dismissal of the advisers marked another episode in the administration’s dealing with the council. In June, six members resigned from the council with an open letter published in  Newsweek. They erroneously claimed President Trump was unsympathetic to people living with HIV/AIDs. Check it out, per  The Daily Beast : The remaining 16 members of the Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS were told they were being fired Wednesday, via a FedEx letter from the White House. Six members resigned in June in protest of wh

Feds Arrest 35 Muslim Store Owners After Finding THIS in Their Stores

These days The grand jury has charged  35 convenience store owners in St. Louis after discovering their dark and corrupt business. Mainstream media stories ignored to make the Muslim connection, but when the real story surfaced they were exposed. The truth shall set you free. Almost every suspect on the list of owners was a  Muslim  from the Middle East. You won’t be wrong if you say that they were immigrants or refugees. How can these immigrants get enough funds to open a convenience store. People would kill to get in that business. I think they didn’t get their money by night or by accident. They must’ve been connected in some shady corrupt business. This next information will stun you. You won’t believe your eyes. The federal government under management Obama put while he was president is giving thousands and thousands of dollars to refugees. Also, they don’t care how the immigrants spend their money. 100 Percent Fed Up made a recent  comment: “Think about it…A famil

The Senate Just Released the ‘Secret Hush Fund’ Info We’ve All Been Waiting For… This Is SICK!

The Senate Rules and Administration Committee released a shocking report today that has many observers on Capitol Hill fuming! The report documents that since 1998, the United States Senate has paid out of over $1.5 million dollars on sexual harassment lawsuits. Check out the “secret hush fund,” per  Daily Caller : The data , provided by the Office of Compliance, a little known administrative body that has quietly settled dozens of complaints against congressional offices, provides little by way of details, beyond an itemized list of violations and the corresponding settlement. The report distinguishes between claims made against member-led offices and “other Senate employing offices.” Individual Senate offices have paid out nearly $600,000 in discrimination and harassment settlements, while other Senate employers paid out over $850,000. Listed violations include sex, age, and race discrimination, as well as violations of the Fair Labor Standards Act and the Family and Medic