
Showing posts from April, 2018

Trump Left On An Unannounced Trip. He Didn’t Take Questions, But His Destination Speaks Volumes [PHOTOS]

There were no official events on the president’s White House schedule today. This is very strange for a president and administration who is always on the move, particularly during the week with so much breaking news. Many assumed that the empty schedule was in order to have free leverage to orchestrate the signing of the freshly passed GOP tax bill. Reporters expected to hear an announcement for a signing ceremony at any time. So many were puzzled as the president exited the White House and walked toward Marine One. Trump did not answer any questions except for one: “Where are you going?” President Trump said he was headed to Walter Reed Hospital to visit wounded warriors for the holidays and “wish them a Merry Christmas.” The president took no further questions. Walter Reed the largest military hospital in the country and serves as the first stateside stop for any US military personnel injured overseas. Trump has since arri

‘White Lives Matter’ Written Inside School, Guess Who Actually Did It…

Officials who work at a school in Missouri have finally uncovered the student responsible for a racial slur recently found in a girl’s restroom, and it’s not who you think. The student was non-white, which means the phrase “white lives matter” found in the bathroom was done as a hoax, an act of deviance meant to stir up trouble and fan the flames of civil unrest in this community and now the country. via  Fox News : School officials in a Missouri community were making plans Tuesday to discipline a “non-white” student whom they said had confessed to writing a racial slur and the phrase “White Lives Matter” on a mirror inside a girls’ restroom at a high school. Parkway schools Superintendent Keith Marty said in a statement Tuesday that the revelation that a non-white student was involved was surprising, but it did not “diminish the hurt” caused by the incident at Parkway Central High School in Chesterfield. “The behavior was wrong and the student will be held accountable

After Eviscerating Laura Ingraham’s Advertisers, David Hogg Has A New Target – A Fast Food Chain

Gun control activists and Parkland student, David Hogg, has captured headlines across the country for his calls to boycott Laura Ingraham’s show.   Hogg specifically targeted advertisers of the show after Ingram tweeted criticism of the student activists and his often vulgar approach to influencing public policy. The boycott had an effect,  Ingram has since lost multiple advertisers of her show as David Hogg single them out and asked his followers to attack them for advertising with the Fox News host. Ingram apologized, but Hogg rebuffed the apology and the battle between the two continues. “An apology in an effort just to save your advertisers is not enough,” Hogg said. Companies including  Wayfair, TripAdvisor, Nutrish, and Nestlé  have canceled their ads with Ingram. Now David Hogg is seeking reparations from one of America’s most beloved fast food chains. In a series of tweets late Thursday evening hog went after Arby’s for their advertising on Ingraham’s show. Hogg w

ICE Just Gave Illegal Alien Celebrity Some Very, Very Bad News — Liberals are OUTRAGED!

ICE arrested and may have already deported the famous illegal immigrant known as Ravidath Ragbir. Officials arrested him during his check-in with officials at the ICE office in New York. Ragbir is the executive director of the pro-illegal immigration group called New Sanctuary Coalition of New York City. Ragbir came to the U.S. in 1991 as a legal permanent resident, but he was ordered deported in 2006 following  a conviction for wire fraud in a $400,000 mortgage embezzlement scheme for which he served a two-and-a-half year prison sentence. The Obama administration allowed Ragbir to remain in the United States granting him a ‘stay of removal’. Then, last April, the Trump administration granted an extension of that stay, but only until Jan. 19,  according  to the New York Times. Ragbir has used his prominence in the activist community to successfully obtain several stays of removal. However, the Trump administration’s hard-line stance on illegal immigrati

Trump Tells His Staff, “To Hell With It” and Throws the Establishment Playbook Out the Window

President Trump ran a great campaign for President. He bucked the traditional Washington establishment way of thinking, connected with everyday Americans, and provided voters with a platform that no one else dared to put forward. Unfortunately, once he got in office, most of his advisers have been cut from the same cloth as the people he trounced to win the Presidency. Well, it looks like we’re about to get the old President Trump back — and not a moment too soon! While White House staffers have come and gone, the ones that have stayed understand this simple fact. The President will not be managed and any attempt to do so will quickly result in your departure. Check it out per  Breitbart : The speech was written. A cast of relatable Americans with emotional stories was standing by to reinforce the message. But President Donald Trump was in no mood to play along. “The hell with it,” Trump said, recounting the scene with his aides to a West Virginia crowd last week, Tr

Trump Just Woke Up to Some Amazing News — Congratulations, Mr. President!

There are so many accomplishments we could congratulate the 45th President of the United States on. From his roaring economy to the massive tax overhaul, this Washington outsider has been kicking tail and taking names all over town. But sadly, the liberal forces in the mainstream media have been reluctant to give credit where credit is due. And with the president’s background in television, you know this bothers him to no end. Well, he got some news today that is sure to put a smile on his face… and it’s going to be hard for the media to spin this one in a negative way, but you know they’ll try! Here’s the scoop per  Breitbart : President Donald Trump’s approval ratings keep rising, according to the latest Rasmussen poll. On Wednesday, Rasmussen’s daily tracking poll showed that 51 percent of likely U.S. voters approved of President Trump’s job performance. This is the best rating for Trump since April of the first year of his presidency. The new milestone

Dan Rather Thinks The Media Should Publicly Shame Trump Supporters

Dan Rather ended his journalism career by pushing false reports about George W. Bush so it comes as no surprise that he detests Trump supporters. Still, urging the media to shame people for their political beliefs is despicable. Breitbart  reports: Dan Rather: Media Must Publicly Shame Donald Trump Supporters Disgraced former CBS news anchor Dan Rather is out with a haughty statement on Facebook, urging all of his fellow news anchors and mainstream media editors to destroy Donald Trump and his supporters. “This cannot be treated as just another outrageous moment in the campaign,” Rather said, referring to the Republican presidential nominee’s comments about defending the Second Amendment. Rather appeared horrified by Trump’s comment, struggling to explain his shock. “By any objective analysis, this is a new low and unprecedented in the history of American presidential politics,” he said. Rather challenged the media to hold Trump accountable for his words, urging them t

Judge Jeanine: “Mueller Is The Person Who Should Be Investigated” (VIDEO)

udge Jeanine Pirro recently appeared on the Sean Hannity Show and suggested that there’s another investigation which should be opened – of Robert Mueller. She cites as one reason, the fact that he was head of the FBI when the wheels began to turn for Hillary’s Uranium One deal. The Hill  reports: Fox’s Jeanine Pirro: Mueller ‘is the person who should be’ investigated Fox News contributor Jeanine Pirro said Friday that special counsel Robert Mueller “is the person who should be investigated,” instead of President Trump… Pirro, one of TV’s most vocal pro-Trump pundits, dismissed the “Russian so-called interference” in an appearance on host Sean Hannity’s program, and she and Hannity discussed accusations of political bias on the special counsel’s team. “I look at Mueller’s team: Obama donors, Clinton donors, DNC donors. Nobody likes Trump,” Hannity said, adding that he wants to know the reason behind Mueller’s appointment of “Trump haters” to his team investigating the Russ

COMEDY: Eric Holder Says He’ll Run For President If He Thinks He Can Unify The Country (VIDEO)

Eric Holder is clearly delusional. During a recent interview with the New York Times he was asked if he is going to run for president in 2020. He responded, saying that he will run if he believes he can unify the country. Apparently, he isn’t aware that he’s one of the most divisive political figures in America. The Washington Free Beacon  reports: Holder: If I Run for President, It’ll Be From Concluding I Could Unify the Country Former Obama administration attorney general Eric Holder said Wednesday that if he ran for president, he would do so from concluding he could unify the country. That statement came during an exclusive interview with New York Times reporter Alex Burns. Burns noted that Holder has become much more ambiguous about whether he could run for president in 2020 and asked about his general thoughts. “If you were gonna do it, why would you do it. If you didn’t do it, why would you not do it?” Burns asked. “If I were gonna do it, I’d do it because I think

Crazy Hillary: Hopefully Trump Hasn’t Ordered The Killing Of People And Journalists (VIDEO)

Hillary Clinton is going off the deep end and fast. During a recent interview with Charlie Rose, she started to sound more like a far left wing conspiracy blogger than a failed presidential candidate. The Washington Free Beacon  reported: Clinton Compares Trump to Putin: ‘Hopefully He Hasn’t Ordered the Killing of People and Journalists’ Hillary Clinton said Monday on Bloomberg News that President Donald Trump has “tendencies toward authoritarianism,” adding that she hopes he has not “ordered the killing of people and journalists” as Russian President Vladimir Putin has been accused of doing. During a conversation with Charlie Rose, she compared Trump to Russian President Vladimir Putin, whose relationship with Trump has particularly drawn scrutiny from Democrats and the media. Clinton discussed her ideas on Trump’s view of democracy, saying she “hopes” the president is not exactly like Putin in every way. “I don’t think he really values democracy, Charlie,” Clinton said.

David Hogg to Skip Freshman Year So He Can Devote Time to Political Causes [Details]

Anti-gun Parkland high school shooting survivor David Hogg was accepted into UC-Irvine after much hoopla about being denied from multiple colleges. However, Hogg will not be attending school next year. Why? He wants to devote his time  to political causes  – like gun control and helping to get Democrats elected. One of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School’s most visible student activists will postpone his first year of college to devote time to political causes. David Hogg has been accepted at the University of California, Irvine, “but he will not be going to college this year because he’s decided to take a year off and work on the midterm elections,” his mother, Rebecca Boldrick, told CNN Monday. She said her son hopes to register and educate new voters and to “get people to vote.” Americans do not agree with Hogg’s call for an advertiser boycott of Laura Ingraham’s Fox News show. From  Daily Wire : So how do Americans feel about Parkland gun control activist David