
NO CLASS: Jeb Bush Goes After Trump By Attacking His 12 Year Old Son Barron

Jeb Bush has never gotten over losing the 2016 Republican nomination to Donald Trump. That is no excuse, however, for attacking Trump’s 12 year old son Barron. All Jeb Bush has done here is prove that Republican voters made the right decision by passing him over. The Washington Times  reports: Classy, dignified, substantive Jeb Bush attacks 12-year-old Barron Trump Jeb Bush, the man who was supposed to be the Republican nominee for president in 2016 until his birth-right was stolen from him by the crass, vulgar and despicable Donald Trump, has taken his psychological obsession with his own failure to a new low… he has attacked Trump’s 12-year-old son, Barron. Speaking at Yale University, the former Florida Governor first claimed he would not get into a re-hash of the 2016 election (what would he have to say about it, anyway? He got 3 delegates after spending $150 million of other people’s money) But, according to Yale News, he eventually exorcised some demons by looking at th

EPIC: Tom Selleck Has Had Enough of Rosie Running Her Mouth – Nobody Saw This Coming

Nowadays it’s popular for celebrities and famous people to use their public influence as a platform to propagate their political ideas. One example of this is Rosie O’Donnell show. Just recently she talked about her beliefs regarding gun control. Her quest for that episode was Tom Selleck who appeared there to speak about his new movie, “The Love Letter”, but Rosie and her viewpoints on the Second Amendment stood in the way of that. However, Tom Selleck, behaved with elegance and grace as always. As reported by the  Conservative Fighters , during the interview, Rossie O’Donnell, started to pick on Selleck about the commercial he did for the NRA. Selleck didn’t cave after her badgering and responded in a gracious and reserved manner. He respectfully elaborated his beliefs in a very mature way. As the report has stated, his response even made Rosie was apologize for her own bad behavior. Rosie asked him : “You also have the freedom of speech, but you’re not allowed to scream

Obama AG Eric Holder Slams ‘Orange Man’ Trump, Says ‘We Want the America of Obama!’

Eric Holder, former Attorney General under Barack Obama, just recently came out to blast President Donald Trump in the wake of a Democrat gubernatorial victory in Virginia. According to Holder, people still want to be living in Obama’s America. From  Washington Times : Former Attorney General  Eric Holder  says he is glad to be unshackled from his old job because employment with the National Democratic Redistricting Committee lets him lash out at Republicans like “orange man” President Trump. Politico  recently went on the road with the NDRC’s chairman in Virginia for get-out-the-vote efforts on behalf of Lt. Gov. Ralph Northam, the Democratic nominee for Virginia governor. […] The former attorney general also told Rising Mount Zion congregants that Mr. Northam’s battle with Republican Ed Gillespie was important because “debts have to be repaid.” “We need to send Donald Trump a message,”  Mr. Holder  said, Politico reported. “You’re telling Donald Trump that’s not the Amer

Does it bother you that Slovakia will ONLY accept Christian refugees from the Middle East, NOT Muslims?

Slovakia has said it will only accept Christian refugees under an EU relocation scheme. The country, due to receive 200 people under the EU plan to resettle 40,000 new arrivals, says Muslims would not feel at home there. The Slovakian government, which will accept 200 people from camps in Turkey, Italy and Greece under the EU plan, denied that its decision to exclusively accept Christian refugees was discriminatory as it was intended to ensure community cohesion. Slovakia’s Interior Ministry spokesman Ivan Metik told the BBC: “We could take 800 Muslims but we don’t have any mosques in Slovakia so how can Muslims be integrated if they are not going to like it here? “We want to really help Europe with this migration wave but…we are only a transit country and the people don’t want to stay in Slovakia.” Norbert Röttgen, chairman of the German Bundestag’s foreign affairs committee, sharply criticized Slovakia for rejecting Muslim refugees. He told radio station Deutschlandfun


JUST IN: Bill and Hillary Clinton have somehow been able to evade prosecution for the many crimes they have committed for decades, but it appears that now their luck has finally run out. Freedom Daily  reported that Corey Hiland, a U.S. Attorney appointed by Donald Trump last year, has convened a grand jury in Little Rock, Arkansas that has been working for months to indict both the Clintons as well as various Clinton Foundation employees.  Hiland has reportedly reopened the Clinton Foundation investigation that was shut down by Attorney General Loretta Lynch and disgraced former FBI Director James Comey. The mainstream media has been trying to protect the Clintons as usual by sweeping this story under the rug, but that will be harder now given the indictment that was just handed down. A grand jury investigating possible Russian bribery involving Clinton’s Uranium One deal from her time as Secretary of State just handed down an 11-count indictment against Maryland res

Jane Fonda Says She is “Not Proud of America”- Trump Tears Her Apart

Liberal actress Jane Fonda has the nickname “Hanoi Jane.” This nickname came about during the Vietnam War when she traveled to Vietnam and appeared in photos in which she seemed to be celebrating with Vietnam soldiers. This woman is truly the worst of the worst, and she represents everything that is wrong with our country when we refer to just how devastating liberalism can be. Recently, Jane actually claimed that she wasn’t proud of America because the majority voted Donald Trump into office. She did say, however, that she is very proud of “The Resistance.” This group of progressive liberals are doing just about everything they can in order to smear Trump’s name. Donald Trump Jr. had some words for Fonda: Darn, we lost "Hanoi Jane"... again. I'm not sure how real hardworking Americans will be able to cope. 🙄 — Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) October 17, 2017 Trump’s tweet read, “Darn, we lost ‘Hanoi Jane’… again. I’m not sur

Obama Stole $1BILLION From Social Security, Gave It To THIS Group!

One of our nation’s biggest worry now is controlling and solving the problem of illegal immigration. This would also lead to solving much greater problems like drug trafficking, human trafficking, terrorism and would prevent taxpayer money from being misused. The Inspector General Office, released the results of a recent analysis on Friday. The results reveal a large number of cases of benefits being paid to people who do not even have a Social Security number. The amount of money being paid to these individual has been estimated to be as high as $1 billion. This sum was paid out during the course of the past decade, and was distributed to more than 22,000 individuals. But this is not nearly the end of it. The report also revealed that over $800 million went into the pockets of individuals who were supposed to have their access to benefits revoked, since 2004. To make things even worse, American people are forced to pay 180 million dollars in benefits per year. And if s